As Above, So Below

The most common element in people’s descriptions of the “afterlife” is a very strong feeling of love. While it’s nice to know that our loved ones who have passed are in a good place, there’s a more significant message in there that is often missed.

This has been on my mind for a while, but it really hit home when I was reading the table of contents of Nothing changes until you do by Mike Robbins. All chapter titles of that book are like little affirmations or reminders. What’s the message? Well, one could put it this way:

You are loved and cherished.
You have nothing to fear.
There is nothing you can do wrong.

Sounds like this came from another book about self-care, doesn’t it? Well no, it is from Proof of Heaven, Eben Alexander’s account of his Near-Death Experience. It is the thought received he from his companion on the butterfly wing when he entered “the Gateway.” [1]

Similarly, William James in his Afterdeath Journal speaks of “[an] atmospheric presence that is well-intentioned, gentle yet powerful, and all-knowing. […] At the risk of understating, this presence seems more like a loving condition that permeates existence, and from which all existence springs.” [2]

So, what is the message that has been hiding in plain sight?

All the good things that we associate with Heaven are available to us in our life on Earth. The feelings of love and bliss, of safety and acceptance, the guidance and support, can all be with us here. The primal creative force behind everything, that is apparently obvious to us when the veils of physicality are lifted, is still at work in our physical universe.

I look at life as a dream. We focus our consciousness on a story with such intensity that we tend to forget where we came from. We experience mostly through our physical senses, and start believing that we live in and are at the mercy of a universe that is separate from us. Nothing could be further from the truth. Even if we’re having a nightmare, we are still safely lying in bed, cozy under the warm covers.

Our challenge then is not just to get out of our own way, but to get out of the way of the universe that (again in the words of William James) “is with me, for me, and with and for all others at the same time. Not only does it not conspire against, me but it ever lends its active support.

As above, so below. 😉

I hope you have a great day.


[1] Mike Robbins: Nothing Changes Until You Do.

[2] Eban Alexander: Proof of Heaven.

[3] Jane Roberts: The Afterdeath Journal of an American Philosopher – the Worldview of William James.

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